Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Revolution

Ah, New Year's Eve. The time of the year when everyone begins to think about the past year and dream about the new year that is rapidly approaching. At the stroke of midnight, we'll celebrate an end and a brand new start at the same time. Most people make "New Year's Resolutions." Well, of course, I can never do things in a "typical" fashion so I have adopted a new phrase and practice this year. Instead of making a list of resolutions that I may or may not achieve in the course of the next 365 days, I found inspiration in my 9 year old son who, in all of his glorious innocence, misspoke and called them New Year's "Revolutions."


Sometimes there is more wisdom in the mistake of a child than the knowledge of an adult. When that happens, I've learned not to fight it, but embrace it and go with the flow because there is always something amazing to learn.

This time, I began to think differently about planning for the future goals of 2014. Instead of the typical list (lose weight, exercise more, get healthy, make my bed every day, etc.), I began to think in terms of a revolution.

This. Is. War.

In the past, I have asked myself, "What do you want to accomplish this year?" The answer would be the basis of my resolution list. Unlike other people, I have never had a resolution that I didn't accomplish.

HAAAAAA! Yeah, right. Most resolutions are forgotten by Valentine's Day, if we are being honest here (myself included).

Instead of going through the same routine and making the same resolutions based on the same question, I decided that I needed to change my question. My new question looks more like this:

"What do I need to attack this year? What war do I need to fight to take back ground from the enemy of my soul?"

My answer to that question is something that has crippled me my whole life in one way or another, but it has caused more damage in the past decade than it ever has. It was subtle at first and barely noticeable, but is now causing noticeable damage and must be destroyed! It is going down!!

Ooops. Sorry! Got a little dramatic there. :o)

Anyway, my new year's revolution of 2014 is a war on FEAR. The enemy has effectively used this tool (fear) in my life on numerous occasions and, like a weed, it has spread to many areas of my life. But no more. I am more than a conqueror with the help of my Heavenly Father. By even acknowledging it for what it is, I have begun the battle. God has shown his light in the dark areas of my life and given me a chance to act like a child of the King of Kings.

So what about you? Do you want a revolution?

With a question like that, you KNOW I've got to leave you with this:

So what's it going to be for you? Resolution or Revolution?

Friday, December 20, 2013

A Little Christmas Sparkle

Ah, Christmas vacation. It's that most wonderful time of the year when you can actually rest, watch Christmas movies, reflect on the past year, and of course, drink eggnog and the favorite holiday drink in my family....Russian Tea! Oh, my dad makes the best Russian Tea on the planet. I've tried to make it myself, but nothing comes close to his special tea. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it.
I especially enjoy reflecting through my journals from the past year with a cup of that warm Russian tea and thinking about all that God has done in my life over the past year. It's nice to look back and be reminded of the good times, bad times, sad times and funny times. Today, as I was doing just that, I came across one of my journal entries that I have decided to share with you. It was from a beach trip that we took in August where I was thinking about some of the seashells I had collected from our time there.
I hope you enjoy it!
Thursday - August 29, 2013
In pondering about the shells I collected, I noticed how I kept being drawn to the same type of shells and I wasn't sure why because they've never caught my eye before this trip. They are solid black and almost look like some sort of prehistoric dinosaur foot or something. The top is rough and rugged but if you flip it over to the back, it is smooth. When it is dry, one might look at it and say, "What's so special about that ugly shell? Why would you be drawn to that?"
Well, it's simply, really.
As I sat in the water, I began to see all of these beautiful shells glistening in the sun. They were wet from the ocean water and the water was able to reveal their special "sparkle" quality. On the smooth side, they are covered in a translucent, iridescent layer that reflects the sun so beautifully. It's like their sneaky, secret way of glorifying their Creator. I couldn't take my eyes off of them!
It reminded me that even if we don't look like other "shells," we each have a secret, unique way we can shine for our Creator. All we need is the living water of Jesus to wash over us and reflect the beautiful rays of the Son in order to reveal our special "sparkle" quality that will draw others to us. Of course, we should never draw people for our own glory, but so that we can point them to the One who wants to wash over them and reveal THEIR "sparkle" quality.
Lord, help me to remember that you want to wash over me and shine through me today. Help me to bask in your presence and reflect you to all those who might be watching me today. May I always point them to you.
In Jesus Name, Amen