Friday, September 5, 2014

Hey! Where's my coffee?

It's been a WHILE since I posted anything, but I wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about the 2014 blog challenge. No really....I didn't!

Wait, did I leave my coffee mug in the microwave again? (I am prone to do that more often than I'd like to admit. LOL)

This challenge has still been on my mind and I've been learning so much about who I am in Christ. This year, it has become painfully obvious that part of my identity is that I am an enemy of Satan. In March, I was hospitalized for asthma and bronchitis. I've never been diagnosed with asthma before and never really had a major issue with it...until March. For a while, my family wondered if I'd even survive. I wondered that myself for a little bit, but then God reminded me who likes to steal, kill, and destroy.

Ah, yes. Him.

Then something strange happened. I remembered that Scripture tells us to count it all joy when we face trials and persecution. Those trials and that persecution don't always come through people and this year I have experienced my fair share of attacks. I had a soft, gentle reminder that it is an HONOR to be under attack from the enemy and I suddenly felt humbled and unworthy of my attack. I know that I am far from perfect and I don't always get it right (ok, I rarely get it right), so I couldn't understand what Satan saw in me that was worth assaulting.

It wasn't me. He saw JESUS! He saw my new identity. My frustration and fear turned into joy and peace! My lips began to praise the Father at every chance I got.

{insert Rocky theme song here}

I began to fight, not in my own human strength, but with the strength of a child of the King. Spiritual battles are way different when you remember and walk in your new identity in Christ! Praise Jesus!

So that battle was over and others began. It's not like he's going to give up, but neither does God. My most recent battle was financial. Someone got access to my husband's bank account card and used every last cent we had in there. I've never seen my husband so crushed, broken, and violated. It was heartbreaking to watch, but then again....something strange happened.

Normally, I am the one to fall apart when finances aren't feeling very safe (you know women and their need for security), but that Divine strength flowed through me again and whispered, "It's OK. It's all going to be fine. I've got this."  Boy was that true! We shared our prayer request with a few friends and family members and God got straight to work. So many sacrificial gifts were given to us to help us through this rough time. From gas and toilet paper to funds and prayer support, God took care of every single need and then some! We have been so blessed and emotionally overwhelmed at the goodness of God and the generosity of his people who were walking in THEIR identity.

Realizing and walking in our identity as Christ followers is a beautiful thing! It blesses others, glorifies God, and puts the devil in his place. So here is my charge:

1. Be fierce in the way you follow and chase after God!
2. Be fierce in the way you walk in your NEW identity in Christ!
3. Be fierce in battle with your enemy!
4. Be fierce in your trust of and obedience to the Father!

{insert your own Rocky theme music here}