Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Like Inigo Montoya says...

For those of you who know me, you know that I absolutely LOVE the movie, "The Princess Bride." Getting into a quote battle with me is like going against a Sicilian when death is on the line....you just don't do it. (See how I snuck that one in there?) Much of the conversation that takes place in my home is filled with accents and all sorts of movie quotes. If you've never seen the movies we quote, you'd think we were all insane after one trip to my home (yes, you read right..."we all" means that we've corrupted...or enhanced...our children with this practice).

One of my favorite quotes from Inigo Montoya (OK, seriously, if this name is unfamiliar to you, go watch "The Princess Bride." Go on...I'll wait.) is when he says, "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up." He had a whale of a story to share with the man in black, but he was short on time. That is how I feel right now.

I have so much to say, but I have to summarize it into one blog. HA!

This past year has just been nuts. At this time last year, I was in great need of a creative outlet. I had so much in my heart and mind that I couldn't hold it inside any longer. Thus, my blog was born. Right around that time, I also had a birthday. I turned 33. That is a pretty big number...not age-wise, of course, but Biblically speaking. At the age of 33, Jesus Christ suffered a horrendously brutal death to save every human being on earth from the bondage of sin and eternal punishment. I can't imagine CHOSING to do something like that at my age. But he did. They didn't "take" his life from him. He gave it freely with a purpose.

That thought intrigued me so I prayed a prayer. You'll think I'm nuts when you read what I prayed, but hang out with me long enough and you'll know I'm nuts regardless. Here's what I prayed:

Holy Father,

I want to dedicate this next year to Christ. I want to draw nearer, be more connected, and I want to understand him more. By this time next year, I want to BE more like Christ. This year is yours. Take it and do as you wish for your glory.

In Jesus' Name, Amen

Yep...I did it. I know, right? Apparently, that got God's attention and He got right to work. Things began to shift rapidly and all of a sudden I felt like I had been sucked into a vortex. My life dramatically changed (thus limiting my time for blogging, but that's another story for another day). From my relationships, family, and location, to my church experience, relationship with God, and my employment. Nothing is the same. Some changes are good, but some changes were painful. As you may have read in my previous blog, I have faced some definite trials along the way....some that had significant impact. It wasn't until I had a conversation with my husband that I began to see how God answered my prayer.

I was feeling very much like the devil's chew toy when my husband said, "But you don't understand. Through this situation, I have seen you become more like Christ. I have seen Christ in you more than ever as you worked through this. When you faced this situation years ago, it destroyed you. This time is different."

It IS different because I have learned to live my life surrendered to the King. When we hold on too tightly to the things of this world, it hurts when they are taken away. When we hold tightly to eternal things, they will never be taken away.

As I approach my next birthday this summer, I anxiously anticipate the things God has in store for me in the big 3-4. I have a feeling it will be nothing I would have dreamed to ask for and so much better than I could think up on my own (Have you ever considered piracy? You'd make a wonderful Dread Pirate Roberts!).

I'm yours God. I'm all in....the point of no return. Fire swamps and all.