Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart. WHERE??

O.k., people. You've done it now. All of this encouraging has either paid off or gotten us all in a heap of trouble. I'm blogging. Yep, you heard me ( me??). This girl has a lot going on inside of her heart and mind and I've been told blogging is a healthy outlet. So, here I go.

It all started when a friend had a bewildered look on her face when she said, "Christy is a different person. She doesn't do what is normal and she goes to the beat of her own drummer. She flies into the face of tradition and approaches life from a completely different point-of-view that is foreign to others." I don't know if that's true (HA! Totally true.), but I have come to realize that God has plans for me. In order for Him to do what he's got to do in my life, he had to make me this way. I do feel like I see things differently than a lot of people sometimes (thus the high count of eye-rolling I see).

Since February of 2011, God has really been moving in my life (which I'm sure you'll hear more about later). He has presented opportunities to me that have forced me out of my comfort zone in very good ways. However, these opportunities have only shown me the truth in my friend's statement. God made us all unique with our own set of talents, desires, wants and concerns. Unfortunately, many of those talents remain hidden. Many of those desires are not for heavenly treasures, but focus on earthly treasures that can be destroyed or stolen without a moments notice.

Why do we focus so much on the things of this earth? We won't be here very long. This is not our home. Of course, I'm not saying we shouldn't have hobbies and interests that take up our time. I think God wants us to enjoy our time here, but he does NOT want those things to take HIS place in our hearts and minds. So many of us have worries and concerns that may (or may not) be legitimate, but God tells us in Matthew 6: 19-21,33

 19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.

33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

This earth will fade away. The Kingdom of God is forever! It's high time we give God the focus of our hearts and desires. It's easy (for some) to do on Sunday morning when they are at church. Why don't we try Monday - Saturday as well and see what He does in our lives. I'm ready. Are you?

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