Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Snot Bubbles

As you discovered in my last blog, I am "football challenged." I can admit it. For the first few years of my married life, I rebelled against football mainly because it felt like I had been dropped off in a foreign country with no way to understand the language. Graciously, my husband tried to help me. For Christmas one year (yes, you read that correctly), he bought me a book about football so I could learn. Naturally, my first reaction was, "Really?! You bought ME a book about football?! You're just joking....where's my real present? Oh...this You're serious? I'm sorry. What a, um, thoughtful gift."

It actually turned out to not be so bad. The book was called, of all things, Snot Bubbles and was written by a woman for women who just don't get it (that would be me). The best part about it was that it was short. I was determined to read it and do my best to understand.

Insert the shocking part....

I began to grasp the general concept and even memorized some players' positions and their job in the game. I felt like I had been given a football/english dictionary with which I could communicate in this new foreign land. TOUCHDOWN!! (That's 6 points by the way.) I could at least talk about football with my husband and understand a little bit of what I was watching on television (even thought I'd rather be crocheting toilet paper cozies).

My daughter has recently taken a bizarre interest in football that is really out of character (i.e. anything but typical). She was asking many questions that I couldn't answer so I shared Snot Bubbles with her. She began pouring through the book, memorizing facts, and then proceeded to lay in the floor with her father watching games and asking football questions all day on Saturday. As I began to question who her real mother was, I was immediately humbled and awestruck.

She was reading Snot Bubbles to take the initiative to learn about her father so they can relate, communicate, and connect on a deeper level. She values her relationship with her father and just wants to be with him and enjoy what he enjoys WITH him.

What a beautiful picture of our relationship with our Heavenly Father! We don't read His word because we have to or because that's what "good Christians" do. We do it to take the initiative to learn about HIM so we can relate, communicate, and connect on a deeper level. Our relationship with God is a precious gift with the promise of being with him in heaven, but we can also enjoy Him and what He enjoys here on earth. Have you connected with your Father today?

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! Love it! Now, how offended would my football-challenged husband be if I gave him "Snot Bubbles" for Christmas? It took me 13 years of married life to get him to understand/enjoy the game. Now, I think he actually enjoys it as much as I do!
