Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"I'll Get You, My Pretty...and Your Little Dog, too!"

Have you ever been insulted or betrayed? I'm sure none of us have ever been betrayed as badly as Jesus was betrayed by Judas, but our betrayals hurt none-the-less. The biggest question is this: "As a Christian, how do we handle it when someone wrongs us or 'stabs us in the back?'"

I'm here to tell you that I have not always handled it properly.

But YES, there is a right way to handle it and (you guessed it) I'm here to tell you about it.

I never promise that my blogs will be all about "feel good" topics and this definitely is not one of them. However, it is a truth that can't be ignored if you plan to get through your next "attack" without giving Satan room to build a stronghold in your life.

What's a stronghold? In short, it is when Satan gains ground on your heart and surrounds it with a fortress of lies that effect the way you think (and of course this effects the way you act and treat others). You can probably see that strongholds are Satan's best way of ruining you and your testimony rendering you ineffective for the Kingdom.

Now, back to the original question, "How?" As always, the answer is found in the Word of God. In I Peter 2:23, we find the answer, which says:

"He did not retaliate when he was insulted. When he suffered, he did not threaten to get even. He left his case in the hands of God who always judges fairly."

That last word is what smacked me in the face. Fairly. I have not always handled insults, suffering, and betrayal fairly. I have not always looked at both sides of the situation and asked God for wisdom. I only saw my side and defended it ruthlessly. Until...

Don't you just LOVE that with Jesus there is always and "Until" or "But God?" It's those moments where he steps in and presents a game-changer. My game-changer was a spiritual journey that was started a couple of years ago that has led to freedom in many areas of my life and given me the tools I need to break down any stronghold I come across. It helps me to live according to TRUTH instead of the lies of the enemy. I will never be the same (thankfully!).

I've had betrayals that hurt like the dickens (to be quite honest). However, I now have the opportunity to be anything but typical and cling to my scriptural instructions that tell me to leave my case in the hands of God because HE (not me) judges fairly. I don't have to handle it the way I used to handle things.

In the past, I had the power to cut someone to pieces with my hurtful words in retaliation for anything they did to me that I didn't find fair. However, Jesus led by example when "like a sheep led to the slaughter, he remained silent (Isaiah 53:7)." Our words should only bring life. If we are incapable of offering that at the moment, we have the option to remain silent and let God be our defender and judge.

I never told you it would be easy, but it IS freedom. It IS truth. It IS the better way.
We shouldn't walk around hurting one another and unleashing our revenge. Our job is to live like Christ and to continually surrender our hearts and minds to him. Believe me, He won't leave you to face your battle, hurt, insult, betrayal, or suffering alone. His strong arms will support you. His heart will love you and his Spirit will never leave you. Rest in him knowing that he will judge fairly and will take care of you!

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