Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Forgotten One

Vulnerability is not something that comes easy to most of us and yet, I am embarking on an incredibly vulnerable journey that begins today on the first day of Lent. Some friends and I have decided to read a book, Draw the Circle, for the 40 days leading up to Easter. It's day one and I'm already struggling due to the content.

See, it is a prayer journey and the basic idea of it is that you pray big, bold prayers consistently and watch God do big, bold things. Here's where it gets vulnerable for me (and I in turn get incredibly vulnerable with you): 
I struggle with prayer.

Yes, I know. What Christian struggles with prayer?! Well, probably more than you think. Many people think that Christians are supposed to have everything together, which is why so many people are distraught when we mess up. The truth is that we are all just a big hot mess like anyone else and we need God to help us. You'll never meet a Christian in this life who has it all together perfectly; if you think you found one, pinch yourself really hard cause, baby, you're dreaming.

So here's my deal. I have no problem praying for others. I believe God wants to heal, save, bring peace, give comfort, bless, show love, and all of those wonderful types of things. It's easy to pray those prayers because they are no-brainers. It would be like me praying that my husband would drive his car to work tomorrow morning. OF COURSE he is going to drive his car tomorrow morning because he always does. So praying for that would be easy and, naturally, my prayer would be answered.

Easy prayers. Sure things. Comfortable prayers.

Yep, I'm ok with those. It is the difficult prayers, uncertain things, and uncomfortable prayers that get me, especially when they are in regard to my own life. Most of my prayers are for other people. It's easy for me to believe that God wants good things for others. It is hard for me to accept that he wants those good things for me as well so I don't ask.

I've had many bold prayers that I have prayed with consistency that weren't answered the way I hoped. I've put my faith on the line many times only to have others get what I asked for, but I was left with an "unanswered" prayer. After too many of those, I began to feel like "the forgotten one" not only in my relationship with God, but with others as well. I began to see myself as someone who’s thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams didn't matter.
The forgotten one.
 Source: Public Domain
What happened was a huge block of doubt and disbelief got dumped into my prayer life without me even noticing. It sat there for many years causing me to question the point and effectiveness of prayers. I began to only pray those safe prayers that would surely be answered and go on about my business. It brought with it a darkness that clouded my vision of God's hand in my life and in other people's lives. Expecting less of God and others, I believed that if I expected little I wouldn't be disappointed when I received little, whether it was from God or mankind.
(Insert friend here with a suggestion to read a book about big, bold prayer for 40 days.)
Hmmm. Perhaps God is trying to tell me something. Surely he wouldn't torture me for 40 days by getting me to pray only to NOT answer. Fear. Trepidation. Uncertainty. AHH!

So, God and I had a "come to Jesus meeting" this morning after a long season of worship (drawn to "Oceans," of course). I left that "meeting" feeling like God was calling me to surrender the block of doubt and to accept faith and truth in its place. God wants me to know that I am not the forgotten one. He wants me to know that I am a royal child of the King of Kings. He loves me. He knows me. He sees me. He hears me. He wants to heal the hurt in my heart and teach me about the power of prayer and faith. I have been remembered. I have chosen to accept his offer and to shed this old identity and accept my true identity in Christ.
1 John 3:1a - The Father has loved us so much! This shows how much he loved us: We are called children of God. And we really are his children. 
I bet there are others out there like me who have believed the lies and allowed a block of doubt to hinder your faith and trust in God. You have nothing to fear. He wants you to let it go as well. He wants to show you how much you are loved and he wants you to see the GOOD plans he has for YOU. Join me in throwing off the old identity (whatever yours may be) and accepting your true identity as a royal child of the King of Kings. You are not the forgotten one either. He loves you. He knows you. He sees you. He hears you. He wants to heal the hurt in your heart and teach you something. Listen.
With love,
The Remembered One
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