Friday, January 31, 2014

The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

I've heard it many times in my life and perhaps you have as well. The phrase was intended to inspire others (usually young people) to do something more with their time other than playing video games, reading comic books, or playing with toys. It was generally meant to encourage one to do their homework or read a good book although it can double as a sarcastic commentary on one's poor choices (read: two fries short of a happy meal, one brick shy of load). Are you ready for it?
Source: Public Domain

"The mind is a terrible thing to waste."

I've come to a place in my life where I "get it." I see the point of this phrase, but not only in ways previously mentioned. I see a different side of it (of course).

It IS terrible to waste a mind, but I don't mean the mentality of, "it's terrible not to study and read in order for you to sound really smart in front of everyone and they'll know you didn't waste your mind. Then maybe they'll see you as the 'knowledge guru' and no one will ever question your choices because you are the Yoda of not wasting a mind." Come on, now. I know you have someone in mind who fits this description. Don't lie. {wink, wink}

Sure. Reading is important. Learning is important. The problem is that I've known too many people who were really smart with book knowledge, computer knowledge, or even Bible knowledge, but they have wasted their mind because it was still only focused on themselves. A selfish mind is a wasted mind. I repeat...

A selfish mind is a wasted mind.

The Bible tells us that as a part of our new identity in Christ, we have been given the mind of Christ. However, that probably doesn't mean what you think it means. Some people are ready to run home and tell their husbands, wives, friends, or children, "Hey! You can't argue with me because I have the mind of Jesus so I'm right! HA! Top THAT!"

Don't do that. Please. :)

In fact, go ahead and read these two verses: 
For "Who can know the Lord's thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?" But we understand these things because we have the mind of Christ.
- 1 Corinthians 2:16 (NLT)
In your life together, think the way Christ Jesus thought. 
-Philippians 2:5 (ERV)
We have the  mind of Christ available to us. It is what reveals the Father's nature to his children. It's how his sheep know the voice of the Shepherd. The mind of Christ is what gives us discernment into seemingly "murky" situations and bestows wisdom in the midst of chaos.
However, it is also what encourages us to be selfless, to give of ourselves even when it's hard, and to think of others as more than ourselves. Jesus didn't come to earth in all his glory. He lowered himself to become a HUMAN and experience life as a human....not as God. He spoke only what the Father told him to say and did only what the Father told him to do. This is the mind that we have been given: the mind to selflessly obey our Father out of love for him and love for others. Today, let's choose to access this mind of Christ and allow it to do it's work in us.
Lord, help us to have the mind of Christ more and more each day. Help us to choose your selfless ways over our selfish, indulgent ways. Fill us with a love for you and a love for others that brings you glory and joy. Renew our minds as we meditate on you and listen for your still, small voice. Teach us what it means to truly live in the mind of Christ.
 In Jesus Name, Amen
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