Thursday, January 2, 2014

Blog Challenge 2014

I am often amazed by things and am constantly learning from people, scripture, and God (not necessarily in that order, of course). As you may have noticed, I also love blogging about what I learn. However, it's been a while since I went on a "blogging adventure." I went on a blogging adventure two summers ago when I did a 30-day challenge of blogging about the names and attributes of God. It was an amazing and enlightening time for me!

If you missed any of those, you can always sneak back to my past blogs and get caught up (wink, wink).

Recently, I've been itching to do another challenge so I've decided that it's time to go for it, but I'm not going to put a number on it this time (e.g. 30-day). The reason for this is that I want to spend plenty of time praying, meditating, studying, and seeking God about each blog topic prior to actually posting the blog. It might take one day or it might take four days. Who knows? I am just going to let the Holy Spirit guide me instead of forcing everything into a 24-hour period. I am very excited about this, which is why I have written this introductory blog to tell you about it.

The goal of my last "blog adventure" was to answer this question: "Who is God?"  The goal of my new adventure is to answer the question, "Who am I?" or better yet, "Who are WE?" I want to know what the Bible has to say about my identity and, of course, I want to share what I learn with you.

Each New Year's holiday brings with it a desire to be better, to learn more, to do something new, or to try something again that was previously a failure. As I mentioned in my last blog, I have chosen a REVOLUTION over the typical "resolution" and this blog series is a part of that. I hope you will join me and pray over each topic, meditate over each scripture, and allow the Holy Spirit to tell you who YOU are to God in 2014.

Do me a favor, though. If you plan to join me, either comment below or leave me a comment on my Facebook page so I can be praying for you on your journey. I'm excited to see what God wants to show us.

How about you? Are you in?

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