Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kamikaze Squirrels and Aardvarks. What?!

I can't tell you how many times I've questioned God. Some things just don't make sense to me. For instance, North Carolina weather. I mean come on! Can we have normal seasons, please, instead of 90 degree days like we did in November? Or how about the aardvark? What in the world?

Somethings just don't make sense to me. Don't get me wrong. I've taken some pretty good college classes that explained the whole environmental, ecosystem thing. That at least explained the kamikaze squirrels I used to have in my back yard.

From what I have heard from family and friends, there is a lot about God that doesn't make sense like how much He loves us, why He allowed His Son to die, why He lets satan get away with so much. Believe me, I have wrestled with some of these major issues and really asked God for wisdom to understand.

That's when it hits me. God is wise (which happens to be my meditation for today) and I am not. I have no business even trying to tell God how to do his job. I believe I covered my opinion on that in my other blog, The Sky Really IS the Limit .

Here you go...

Proverbs 3:19-20

19 By wisdom the LORD founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens. 20 By his knowledge the deep fountains of the earth burst forth, and the clouds poured down rain.  

Daniel 2:19-20

19 That night the secret was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven,  
20 saying, "Praise the name of God forever and ever, for he alone has all wisdom and power. 

In God's wisdom, He created the world and everything in it. Even though we don't understand the weather, aardvarks, kamikaze squirrels, God's love, Jesus' death, and satan's existence, God does. He knows and understands everything. He is not just wise, but it is not in His nature to be UNwise. He can't do it. God is not stupid, nor does He make mistakes. There is a reason behind it all.

So you can bring your questions, confusion, hurt, and anger to God. It doesn't have to make sense to us before we can bring it to Him. We can bring all of it to Him and watch Him do something incredible with it. Everything is a part of His GOOD plan. He has no evil plans because He isn't evil. He is wise and when we learn to listen to His voice, He can share with us the information we need to fully process the maddness we live in at times.

He's ready and He can take it. Bring it!

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