Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What Do I Know?

Today's thoughts were directed toward another name of God: Jehovah-M'Kaddesh. This name means "the God who sanctifies." It basically means that God is the only one who can make you holy.

Leviticus 20:7,8

7 So set yourselves apart to be holy, for I, the LORD, am your God. 8 Keep all my laws and obey them, for I am the LORD, who makes you holy.  

There is so much in this one little verse. First of all, becoming holy involves a choice we must make to allow God to "do His thing." It involves walking away from our past of sin and taking a step of faith to surrender who we are to God. In American society, "who" we are is a concept that is under constant scrutiny. Are we too fat, too skinny, pretty, ugly, nice, rich, poor, prideful, humble, mean, tall, short, or "just" average? The media fights for our attention and is labeled as THE source of all news and up-to-date stats on the latest fads and bandwagons we should be jumping on. (Don't EVEN get me started on THAT one. Another blog for another day.)

It's all a distraction from the truth that God is not concerned with the fact that some people wear white shoes before Easter!

He's interested in your heart. That is where the holiness begins. It begins with first allowing Him into your heart, confessing & walking away from your sin, and then following Him on your own journey. Holiness is such a HUGE concept that it's difficult to really grasp.

I do know that holiness is not the same as legalism. It doesn't involve an endless list of rules we must begrudgingly obey.

God IS holy and we can only become holy with His help, guidance, and direction. A year ago, I couldn't have told you thing about how God does this in people. He has blessed me with the opportunity to be involved in a process where I get to watch Him change people. Over the course of the past year, the changes I've seen in these people have been so profound that I am can only stand in silent awe of God. No human could do that. No checklist of rules could accomplish what God has accomplished. He is healing people, forgiving people, giving them hope, and making them HOLY.

They are totally different than they were a year ago. I am totally different than I was a year go. If there is any holiness in me at all, it's all because of Him because I'm a hopeless case without Him. Holiness doesn't mean that we just get a big "Shazam!" and we're all of a sudden perfect. FAR from it. It is a marathon, not a sprint. In fact, those who are truly holy will probably tell you they are not, but the evidence is clear. They can't hide it.

Now, that is one side of it. I can't say I understand it all or else I would be lying, but I'm learning more about what is true holiness and what is just smoke in mirrors.

The holiness of God on the other hand.....I can't even begin to fathom the depths of what that means. We get to experience a bit of holiness on this side of heaven, but who can truly understand the fullness of GOD'S holiness. He doesn't war within Himself on what is right and wrong. He is the only One who can ever be perfect.

Please listen to this song. It perfectly expresses what I think about the holiness of God. What do I know? What do I know of holy? All I know is that I am so small and He is everything. I'm humbled that He would even THINK of me....much less love me.

What Do I Know of Holy by Addisons Road

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