Friday, June 15, 2012

That is just SO wrong!

Every generation has "catch phrases" that are popular and repeated often. Here are a few examples of what I mean:

"Nifty! Neato! Righteous! Radical! Gnarly! Dude! Sike! Cool! Right ON! That's PHat! You're the bomb! Shut! Up!Totally! I know, right?!"

Some may make you giggle as they take you back through a couple decades worth of memories (I know I'm giggling!), but one that is big for the generation coming up is, "That is just SO wrong!" It is an interesting phrase because it relies heavily on the context of the conversation or situation. Someone may say something that they think is funny and another person will respond, "That's just SO wrong!" They aren't really saying the person is wrong. What they are saying in this instance is, "Man, that is hilarious!"

In other cases, something wrong is actually occurring and they'll say, "That is SO wrong!" Whether they are passing judgement or simply trying to distance themselves from any incrimination, it's hard to tell. What they have done, though, is create a catch phrase for what most people are already thinking.

Humans judge one another incessantly. I don't know of a single person who has never been judgemental, including myself. To deny it simply makes you a liar. We have all done it at some point in our lives. We have looked at another person and taken in the information of how they look, speak, dress, act, pray, or whatever and made an assessment in our minds of whether they are right, wrong, good, or bad. Some even go so far as to say they think they know what should happen to that person or what they deserve.

This is where God might say, "Whoa! Hold up! Let's re-evaluate this a bit, shall we?" Then He might lead us to this passage of scripture from His word:

New Living Translation (NLT)The Message (MSG)
1 We thank you, O God! We give thanks because you are near. People everywhere tell of your mighty miracles. 1 We thank you, God, we thank you - your Name is our favorite word; your mighty works are all we talk about.
2 God says, "At the time I have planned, I will bring justice against the wicked. 2 You say, "I'm calling this meeting to order, I'm ready to set things right.
3 When the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil, I am the one who keeps its foundations firm. Interlude 3 When the earth goes topsy-turvy And nobody knows which end is up, I nail it all down, I put everything in place again.
4 "I warned the proud, 'Stop your boasting!' I told the wicked, 'Don't raise your fists! 4 I say to the smart alecks, 'That's enough,' to the bullies, 'Not so fast.'"
5 Don't lift your fists in defiance at the heavens or speak with rebellious arrogance.'" 5 Don't raise your fist against High God. Don't raise your voice against Rock of Ages.
6 For no one on earth -- from east or west, or even from the wilderness -- can raise another person up. 6 He's the One from east to west; from desert to mountains, he's the One.
7 It is God alone who judges; he decides who will rise and who will fall. 7 God rules: he brings this one down to his knees, pulls that one up on her feet.

I put two different versions of the same scripture here for a reason. I love them both! They are both saying the same thing, but they say it in different ways. Look at verse seven in the MSG version:

"God rules: he brings this one down to his knees and pulls that one up on her feet."

I don't know about you, but I have been both of those people. God has had to bring me to my knees before in broken repentance and discipline. Then there were other times when God has pulled me to my feet.

Did you notice who is doing the bringing down and lifting up? It's not us. It is God and ONLY God because He is just. That was my meditation for today: God is just. He knows all of our hearts and He knows who needs to be brought down and who needs to be lifted up. He alone knows who deserves what and how they should be disciplined.

I have been guilty in the past of looking at a person and deeming them as hopeless, but God is the only One who knows the truth and knows how to handle each person with His perfect, infinite wisdom.

So, perhaps it's time to put the gavels down. Maybe we should all ask God to help us see others the way He would want us to see them....through the eyes of love, grace, and mercy while we let HIM take care of the justice (and He will). 

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